Leonard Cohen 俳句

shadows break at dusk
that’s how the starlight gets in
dance me to each crack

ashen words aglow
burn well through darkest of nights
breathe hallelujah

share his secret chord
frees us all from the tower

then recoup our souls

🇨🇦 _____ 🎶 ______ 🖋️ _____ 🇨🇦

Avalanches in Poetry III: Poetry, Writings & Art Inspired by Leonard Cohen Paperback

I recently submitted  3 haiku about Leonard Cohen to “Fevers of the Mind and were included in the anthology “Avalanches in Poetry III Poetry, Writings & Art Inspired by Leonard Cohen“!

I am just happy to be published! I am a huge fan of Leonard Cohen and it was a sad day when he passed away. I was lucky enough to see him in concert … twice!

And he did write haiku….

Summer Haiku
for  Frank and Marion Scott


and a deeper silence

when the crickets


Click Leonard Cohen for a Random Penumbra Haiku
🇨🇦 _____ 🎶 ______ 🖋️ _____ 🇨🇦
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💗  Everyone  💗